Hobbytown USA
2767 S Oneida Street This Green Bay wargame store is located at 2767 S Oneida Street. Come in and take a look. Phone to find out if it stocks Warhammer 40K, Warhammer, Warmachine, Hordes or Flames of War games. Use the Edit link if you shop at this store to help people find out about what games it offers. ReviewIf you've shopped at Hobbytown USA, tell us what you think of the store. ReviewsBe very careful of what ever you buy here. I paid over $90 for a Micro-T battery car. Great little car....for about 2 weeks. No crashs – but now it just won't take a charge. I took it back today. Their answer was - "It is probably a problem with the car" - WOW – what a genius!! Now – what is their solution? Exchange it for one that works? – No way…..He said I should contact the manufacturer!! Be very careful buying from a scam company like this…….THEY DON”T STAND BEHIND WHAT THEY SELL !!!!! WALK OUT THE DOOR AND YOUR WARRANTY IS EXPIRED!! -- Mark Doubek One of my favorite hobby shops. Has some things that others do not. Serves me well. -- Matthew from Shawano |