Game Vault
6328 Five Mile Centre Park, Suite 412 Located at 6328 Five Mile Centre Park, Suite 412 in Fredericksburg, Virginia. In addition to board games, Magic the Gathering, role playing books, terrain, BattleFoam, miniatures from several different systems including Reaper, MERCs, Dystopian Wars, Freebooter, the entire line of Flames of War, a huge selection of Warhammer and Warhammer 40K, Warmachine, and Hordes. The selection of bases is top-notch with the basics from GW, FoW, & PIP as well as Micro Art Studio and Dark Art Miniatures. Templates, flocking, and tokens from Gale Force Nine make it a one-stop wargaming shop. ReviewIf you've shopped at Game Vault, tell us what you think of the store. |