2011 Knickerbocker This San Angelo wargame store is located at 3566 Knickerbocker. Stop by and check it out. Phone to see if it stocks Hordes, Warhammer 40K, Flames of War, Warmachine or Warhammer games. Click the Edit link if you visit this store to help people find out about what games it offers. ReviewIf you've shopped at Specialities, tell us what you think of the store. ReviewsThey sell GW and Flames of War mainly with a tiny assortment of Reaper and Dystopian War minis. This is not a gaming store. This is a toy store that also stocks some gaming merchandise. They have like two tables set up in a closet on which people play M:tG. Also, the address is wrong, it's 2011 Knickerbocker. -- Trevor |