Myth Adventures
4617 North 10th Street Comics CCG Board Games Statues Toys Miniature war games ReviewIf you've shopped at Myth Adventures, tell us what you think of the store. Reviewsi love it, thats where i usually get my comics -- harley schumitz If you like Dungeons & Dragons, comic books, card games, action figures, skateboarding, and rpg's it's perfect for you. Zai the Geek -- Zai the Barbarian Made it out to Myth Adventures today.. Was great. My son went 'crazy' looking at all of the miniatures. Got great deals on War Machines- Cygnar. Cant wait to go again during the holidays. -- Norma Gonzalez An excellent store! Great product lines and the people who work there are extremely helpful. -- Robert Wish I worked there!!!! Love that store!!! -- Vinnie Gutierrez |