Hobbytown USA
2927 North Roan Street Located at 2927 North Roan Street in Johnson City, Tennessee. Drop by to see for yourself. Phone to find out if it stocks Warhammer 40K, Warmachine, Flames of War, Hordes or Warhammer games. Click the Edit link if you shop at this store to tell us more about what games it sells. ReviewIf you've shopped at Hobbytown USA, tell us what you think of the store. ReviewsI purchased a remote control helicopter from the Hobby Town USA location at 2927 N Roan St # 2, Johnson City, TN on 12/26/2010. The purchase amount was a total of $141.23. It was purchased as a late Christmas gift for my brother in-law. The helicopter has two sets of rotors attached by two tiny screws each. The screws on the top set of rotors were loose and came off of the helicopter after a single light collision with a sofa. We were unhappy with the build quality of the item and decided to return it. This decision was informed partly by the fact that a helicopter of similar size and weight that had been purchased for myself on Christmas day had been crashed literally dozens of times with no parts being broken or damaged. That helicopter cost approximately one third of the amount that was paid for the one we wanted to return. When we called the location to inquire about a return, we were told that no refund would be provided because we \"broke\" the helicopter. We were told that once the helicopter was removed from its packaging, we were responsible for it entirely. The store employee who rang us up when we purchased the helicopter took it out of its packaging and flew it before we ever touched it. The employee who handled our phone inquiry about a refund (I believe he was the franchise owner) did offer to fix the helicopter. The fix would be very simple, with only two screws needing to be replaced. No part or portion of the helicopter was damaged during our brief time flying it. A repair job is not a satisfactory resolution, however, because the poor build quality of the helicopter was disappointing. All of the packaging, user manuals, and accessories that were included at time of sale are available to be returned, and because (a male I believe to be) the franchise owner himself has indicated that he can repair the faulty item, a full refund of the original purchase price plus tax (a total of $141.23) seems to be a fair resolution, especially since the helicopter has seen literally less than thirty minutes of use since it was purchased, a portion of which was actually the store employee demonstrating it before we left the store. This review is being posted in part because the individual on the phone said sarcastically that they \"love to hear about\" complaints of this nature in public forums before hanging up on us. A BBB complaint has been filed and if the refund is provided as requested, I will be sure to update this review. -- Bryan |