Guard Tower
3600 Trabue Road Drop by to see for yourself. The store is located in Columbus, Ohio at 3600 Trabue Road. Call to see if it carries Flames of War, Warmachine, Hordes, Warhammer or Warhammer 40K games. Click the Edit link if you visit this store to tell us more about what games it sells. Hours for this store are Monday to Saturday 10 a.m. to midnight and Sunday noon to 9 p.m. ReviewIf you've shopped at Guard Tower, tell us what you think of the store. ReviewsBeen shopping at the Guard Tower forever. Definitely the best of its kind in Central Ohio. -- WILLIAM TIPTON The best gaming store in Ohio. They have the largest selection, best pricing and most knowlegable staff around. I can\'t say enough about this store. Definitely my first choice for any gaming needs. -- Greg S. This is the best gaming store I've ever shopped at. The staff is friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable, and I've never been condescended to just because I'm female. The selection is great, and I've never had a problem getting a special order through them on the rare occasions that I've needed one. It's a little tricky to find, but once you do, you'll know it's worth the hunt (it's the back store in a little strip center near Hague Avenue). -- Lissa I love this store! I always find what i need and if for some reason I can't, they're more than happy to order it for me. They're staff if friendly and knowledgeable in everything they carry. -- Mike M. |