Millenium Games & Hobbies
3047 West Henrietta Road Stop by and check it out. The store is located in Rochester, New York at 3047 West Henrietta Road. Phone to find out if it stocks Warmachine, Warhammer, Warhammer 40K, Flames of War or Hordes games. Use the Edit link if you frequent this store to help people find out about what games it offers. ReviewIf you've shopped at Millenium Games & Hobbies, tell us what you think of the store. ReviewsFrank, you should really check out GW's web policies... their retailers aren't allowed to have web stores that 'compete' with GW's prices. any GW retailer who wants to stay a GW retailer doesn't put their prices online. -- Stephen Hill Their website blows, how am I supposed to be able to compare prices if there isn't a list of Warhammer stuff? -- Frank Sinatra Place would be great if it weren't for 50-year old losers with no friends who come there to throw temper tantrums that no one's on time. They then proceed to walk around the game tables annoying the much younger players. -- Kevin Smiley |