The Hobbit
6111 Yadkin Road, A Come in and take a look. The store is located in Fayetteville, North Carolina at 6111 Yadkin Road. Known to carry Warhammer and Warhammer 40k among other things. Phone to see if it carries other wargames. ReviewIf you've shopped at The Hobbit, tell us what you think of the store. ReviewsLove it!! Great store for any table top gamer!! -- Michelle Ofeldt Well Its a GREAT Store, They Have everything you would need for your RPG or table Top battling needs. The room to move around is cluttered. And they do seem to rush you. lol Just go in there to buys something and you will be fine. -- JD My review is....there are AWSOME!!!!! Anything you need is right there from gaming, novels, maps, and MORE!!!!! I wish that they had one here in Kentucky.......maybe they can open one over here? -- marc staley Years ago when i was serving in the 82nd i used to stop by here about twice a month. I was an avid gamer then and still am. It's one of the best gamer stores i've been in and i wish there was one half as good where i am now...really glad to see they're still open -- Dwayne Good selection of models and wargaming. But as stated below, when you go in here, prepare to be watched and asked frequently if they can help you find anything specific. I wanna browse, not be treated like a thief and seem rushed. Also the prices are higher than anything I've seen in traveling the world. Hayes Hobbies, which does models and trains, has more reasonable deals. -- Jake I haven't been there in several years, but I'm glad to see they're still in business! A great group of people have been running the store. The next time I'm in Fayetteville, I'll be sure to stop by. -- Ted Henkle This is a great store. Over the past year I have gotten to know the family that runs it an they are great. It is a bit crowded but that is only a minor problem. If they don't have what you are looking for in stock then they will try their hardest to get it In for you. -- Hardened Heretics - 40k Nation Chapter Master I am glad to hear that The Hobbit is still in business! During my tour with the 82nd I used to visit The Hobbit regularly and it was a great place back then and I am certain it is every bit a great a place now! -- Joe Not only is the store incredible but the service is so personal! They call us every time a new issue of our favorite comic comes in and they'll find ANY model you're looking to build! We love the whole staff! -- Amanda Burlin The stock is good and the staff are friendly and knowledgeable about gaming, but ridiculously inept at running a business. The store is crowded, cluttered and poorly lit, and their excuses seem to be traded as legitimate currency in place of the merchandise they promise to have ordered for you months ago. Don't try. Do. -- Erisss Great Store. The staff are helpful and courteous, and can special order just about anything. They are also very knowledgeable and freely give advice and tips. The store carries a vast assortment of models, board games, figures, paint, magazines, and collectibles. -- Angela its a pretty good store to be honest. to play there you give 2 dollars which goes to the local animal shelter but the actual store with merchandise is kinda crowded and easy to knock stuff over if your not an expert at gliding around. -- Bambi Decent shop with a good stock. They have good knowledge about military models and tabletop Wargames. They keep their store neat if not a little crowded. -- Jon That Matt dude sounds like someone who works there. -- -- GIMPO While I like the store itself, it is literally like a dungeon in there. The lighting is terribad, and they need to clear out some of their older merchandise, and open the floor up for newer stuff. My biggest complaint however, is that the people who run it, while nice, are overly pushy... I am not sure if it is because they have had problems with people stealing stuff in the past, but when someone walks in to your store, they want to LOOK around, browse... Not be asked every 3-5 minutes if you are looking for anything specific, or if you need help finding anything.. Leave your customers alone and let them shop! -- Dungeon Master The Hobbit is a great store for all your Warhammer needs. The people there are great and very helpful. If they don't have what you need they can get it for you in a timely manner. Two thumbs up, five stars, 10 out of 10! -- Matt |