Dragon's Keep Lehi
189 East State St. Dragon's Keep Lehi is the most established and longing running full service Game and Comic store in Utah with more then 25 years in Provo. We have the largest selection of Board Games, Table Top Games, Collectible Card Games and Comics in all of Utah County. We carry and run active tournaments and events for... Table Top Games Workshop, 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Lord of the Rings, Privateer Press, Malifaux, Infinity and more Collectible Card Games Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, YuGiOh, World of Warcraft, Legend of the Five Rings, Naruto, Bleach and more Board Games Board Game Nights, Living Card Game Nights Heroclix Role Playing Games Pathfinder Society and Dungeons & Dragons organized play As well we have open tables for casual play every day. We strive to be the best store at serving our customers and community through product selection and excellence in service and events. Please know we are open to feedback and want to continue to serve the community. ReviewIf you've shopped at Dragon's Keep Lehi, tell us what you think of the store. |