66 Maple St
Danvers, MA 01923
Web site: http://www.facebook.com/ToysNThingsDanvers
Email: ToysNThingsDanvers at Yahoo dot com
Toys N Things is a specialty toy and gaming store located in Danvers MA. In addition to quality toys we sell board games, CCGS, RPGs and miniatures. We strongly believe in supporting the gaming community, So we not only sell games, but also provide players a place to game. We run weekly events, tournaments and in store games in our open gaming area. The store stays open later than our posted hours when an event is happening. Currently our weekly schedule is: Wednesday Night Magic every Wednesday. Friday Night Magic (FNM) We are an WotC Advanced store, so we have two FNM events every Friday Open Warhammer Nights every Monday. Come test your army against new players. 40K, Warhammer, WarMachine, Malifaux and BattleTech players are welcome to play using our tables and terrain. D&D Encounters Every Wednesday starting at 6:30PM and going until roughly 8PM.Sunday Pathfinder game that runs every Sunday at 5PM. We also run various tournaments and events every weekend. Please checkout ouf facebook page for more information about our events.
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