5016 Kirby Drive
Houston, TX 77098-5010
(713) 677-0699
Web site: www.asgardgames.net
Asgard Games offers a collection of rare and eclectic board games, along with Warhammer Fantasy and 40K. They have the largest collection of Warmachine miniatures in Houston. They support Flames of War (a WWII table to miniature game) and also have regular Table top RPG games that they host. Friday nights are Magic the Gathering Draft nights with FNM going on. You can find a magic game any day of the week. This place is my "Bar without beer", or my hang out where I can get my geek on. Come on down, the staff and all the patrons are inviting and you'll feel like you have found your second home in no time. Asgard Games is the place you come to play, and if you shop well then that just and added extra benefit
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